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Bolsover Infant & Nursery School

     Information about Staff (inc Finances)


Head teacher

Miss F Cowan


Assistant Headteacher

Catherine Fernandez


TRL/Senior Lead

Miss Lister



Charlotte Chapman


EYFS Teaching Staff         

Miss Cooper, Miss Taylor, Mrs Chapman, Miss Lister, Miss Love, Mrs Marks


Y1 / 2 Teaching Staff        

Miss Buckland,and Miss Mills

Mrs Cancellara and Mrs Winterton, Mrs Fernandez, Mrs Collins


Pastoral Team

Miss Angela Dodsworth

Mrs Penny Mullins

Elle Evans 


Education Care Officers NNEB (Nursery nurses)

Miss Watts

Mrs Lawson

Mrs Gilberthorpe


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Ruck

Miss Hodgson

Miss Marriott

Mrs Gilberthorpe

Mrs Reid

Miss Pearson



Mrs K Bell


Special Educational Support

Mrs Fulleylove

Mrs Ashley

Mrs Gilberthorpe

Mrs Cotton


School Clerk            

Miss S Smith (Business Manager)

Mrs G Stone (Clerical Assistant)



Mr Owen



Mrs Mapletoft


Kitchen Assistants                    

Mrs N Gingell


Mid-Day Supervisors

Mrs C Ashley (Senior)

Mrs J May    

Mrs A Fulleylove        

Mrs J Gilberthorpe

Mrs S Cotton


Mrs N Cole

Mrs M Clarke

Mrs Wood

Mrs Boler




Financial Information

The school has no member of staff whose gross salary exceeds £100K.


While schools do submit salary information to local authorities, schools are now required to publish salary information on their website if staff have a salary of above £100,000 in order to improve financial transparency. ‘Gross salary’ for this purpose includes everything that would appear on an employee’s salary statement, but not employer on-costs such as the employer’s pension contributions.