New to School
We know it is really important for young children to feel familiar with the setting, the adults and the routine, so we have made a number of different films for you to watch to help with this. Below you will find an introductory video to school from our Headteacher, Miss Cowan. You will also find all the information we think you will need for starting school. If you have any questions after reading and watching all of these things, please do not hesitate to contact our school office, they will direct your call to the correct person.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Welcome to our school
Please click on the picture below to watch the video:
We have a closed Facebook site for parents of our children. This site is locked to the general public and members need to tell us who they are before joining the page. We suggest that parents join this page now as it will help with keeping up to date with information. Please ensure you answer the questions in your request, we do not allow anyone onto the site unless they have answered the questions and we have established who they are.
Phone Numbers and Email Addresses
It is really important that you keep you phone number and email address up to date in the school office. If you have a change of number or address, please email: - please tell them your child's name and class, alongside any information that has changed. The 'Friday Note Home' is sent to your email address every Friday it tells you what is happening in the coming weeks.
We use our website a lot and encourage parents to access it on a regular basis.
Once your child is in school we ask for you to download the SeeSaw app to a mobile device. We use this website to show you what your child has learnt each day. We also send message via the SeeSaw app, including the 'Friday Note Home'.
Start Dates
Children new to school September
You should have been contacted by Mrs Stone in our school office to secure a place for your child in our Nursery or you will have be sent information from Derbyshire admissions if your child is starting in Reception in September.
New to Nursery Children
Once this has happened you will be asked to call at school for an admission pack for yourself and a Better Bear pack for your child.
New to Reception Children
All Reception children families will have received their admission packages by now. If you haven't please see Mrs Stone in the office. The children will received their Better Bear on Transition Day. PE t-shirst and Book Bags can be purchased from the office.
In June/ / July for Nursery
Once the admission pack is returned to school, Miss Cooper will give you a call to introduce herself and arrange a start date for your child (this may also happen on Open evening). You will also be invited to our Nursery open evening event. This will be online and an access code will be sent to you nearer the time.
In May / June for Reception
For children in our Nursery who are moving to Reception, we will send you an admissions update letter our near the end of term. We will also be inviting you to an open evening in June.
For children moving to us in Reception, who haven't attended our nursery, we will be sending out an admission pack ASAP. Please complete and return it to school. We will also be inviting you to an open evening in June.
Preparing for school:
Here are some of the things you will need to do before September:
- Watch the new to school film with your child.
- Watch the Open evening film yourself
- Prepare school uniform - Put name labels in everything including shoes, coats, hats, scarfs, gloves etc. We suggested leggings and tracksuits for children in nursery for ease of toileting. We mainly stick to black, navy, royal blue or grey. Jumpers, cardigans and/or hoodies are all ok. Most children have white, light blue or navy t-shirts. Uniform with school logo on can be sourced from many places.
- In hot weather they will need a sun hat and sun cream, in cold weather a hat scarf and gloves (all labelled please).
- They will need a coat, with a hood and shoes with velcro
- If you child still has toilet issues or is in nursery and is still in pull ups we ask you to send a change bag to leave in school. Please can you put a few pairs of pants in the bag as we will move to pants very quickly once they are settled.
- Complete your 'New to school' booklet and return it to school with the white admission package and their birth certificate.
We are really looking forward to your child starting with us in Nursery in January.
School Dinners
Full time Nursery children are able to have school dinners at lunchtime or bring a packed lunch. If they are having school dinners they will need to be paid for. They cost £3.25 a day ( £16.25 a week). The money can be passed to the teacher on the gate.
Reception children's lunches are free . We will be announcing the children's classes, start and finish times near the time.
Nursery children will be dropped off on the nursery playground. The gates will open at 8.45am and will be closed at 8.55am. They will then open at 3.10pm for collection.
Part time Nursery
Morning nursery children will be collected from the nursery playground at 11.45. Afternoon Nursery children will be dropped off at the nursery gate at 12.30pm and collected from the playground at 3.30pm.
Children who attend 4 days 8am -4pm can be collected from the Nursery gate, there is a bell to ring to get the adults attention.
Reception children will be dropped off at the Reception classroom door. The gates will open at 8.45 and will close at 8.55. Parents will be able to follow the line to drop of through the red doors and will leave the site via the main school playground.
On collection Reception children will be dismissed from the red reception gates. Parents will enter the playground at 3,15pm and will leave via the same gate.
Videos to help with transition:
We have made a short video for you to show your child the setting and introduce the staff.
Please clip on the right video for you:
- ADMISSION 2024 Info pack
- Behaviour in schools 202324
- Complaints Policy
- parent handbook 2024
- school term dates 2024 to 2025
- school term dates 2025 to 2026