All about Our Governors
The School Governing Body is made up as follows:
Mrs Lisa Collins |
Mrs K Parkinson |
Stacey Black |
Rachel Crain |
Emma Wain |
Toni Buxton (Temp Chair) |
Mrs Cathy Ashley |
Mr Godwyns Onwucheckwa |
Mrs Jo Gent |
Mrs Pauline Blakeley |
Mr Gareth Flowers (Vice-Chair) |
Members of SMT join when needed - Mrs Fernandez/Mrs Lypeat/Miss Lister
Business Manager joins meetings as an associate when necessary.
Annual Governance Statement:
annual governance statement bols inf nurs oct 2023.pdf
Structure of our Governing body
The governing body shall consist of:
- 4 parent governors
- 1 LA governor
- 1 staff governor
- 1 Headteacher
- 8 co-opted governors.
Total number of governors is 15.
Full Governing BodyAll boards, whether in the maintained or academy sector and no matter how many schools they are responsible for, have three core functions:
Here at Bolsover Infant and Nursery our Full Governing body meets 5 times a year. We then hold smaller Committee groups. They meet 4 times a year. Their remit is: |
Resource Management Committee Management and Leadership |
School Development Committee |
Curriculum Standards and community links Standards / Quality of Ed / Climate |
Finance Management Policies Personnel Workforce Remodelling Health and safety Premises Performance Management Pay Committee Performance Review Exclusions Admissions Recruitment and selection |
Setting the agenda of the meetings School Improvement Plan Ofsted - Action Plans etc Target Setting Standards New Developments |
Curriculum Curriculum Policies SEN Home / School liaison Community Personnel Appeals committee Performance Management Review Complaints Committee Attendance Behaviour Monitor Exclusions |
Terms of Reference for our Committees
- ToR Appeal
- ToR Appraisal and Pay
- ToR Complaints
- ToR Curriculum and SEND
- ToR Finance
- ToR Full Governing Body
- ToR Personnel
- ToR Strategic Committee