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Bolsover Infant & Nursery School

Climate Change

 One world, no second chances!

We believe that we only have one world and we won’t be given any second chances with it. The children in our school today are the climate changing decision makers of the future and if we don’t spark their interest and engage them in the topic while they are young, they won’t learn how to have an impact until it’s too late. They need to know now how much of a difference one child, one family, one community, one country can do to save our world. Climate change is everyone’s business and the sooner we can get this message out to our children and parents the better. We need to act now before it’s too late’.

Schools are often a catalyst for change within communities. If a school can’t teach it’s children, and in turn their adults and community about new ways of living, better ways of living than who can’.

At Bolsover the children have begun to learn about how they can make a difference, one act at a time. Recycling, planting, saving water – every little action makes a difference. The school has begun to develop it’s own curriculum to cover these topics and more using the knowledge learnt from the UNCClearn courses.

The UN Climate Change Teacher Academy was being delivered in conjunction with and sponsored by Harwood Education. Not only were teachers able to teach their pupils vital lessons about climate change but they also earn CPD and certification from the United Nations.

Fiona, our headteacher, has worked alongside Harwood Education, EduCCate Teacher Accademy and unCClearn to train to be the first teacher and headteacher in Derbyshire and only the second headteacher in the UK to become a UnCClearn Certified Climate teacher and is now able to help the school become Climate Change literate.

Smurfit Kappa

The school has already developed strong links with a local company ‘Smurfit Kappa’. Smurfit kappa are a local sustainable packaging innovation company and have been working with the school over a number of years. The company has clear sustainable targets and are supporting the school in this venture. https://www.smurfitkappa.com/sustainability/priorities/climate-change


 Our head spoke at the 'Chesterfield Climate Co-allition' Education for Carbon Zero in June 2021. You can see this here:

In December 2019 our Headteacher was featured in an article in NEU. Click the picture to see the article:

In November 2019 our headteacher wrote an article for 'Headteacher Update' magazine. Click the picture to read the article:



Our headteacher spoke on BBC 4's Women's Hour in October 2019: You can click the picture to hear the interview:



Our Headteacher spoke on Radio Gurnsey with Jenny Kendall-Tobias in July 2019. You can click the picture to listen to this interview: