Our school story...
Most things that happen in school are part of a weekly routine. It is important that you have a good understanding of our basic routines, as it will help the children settle at school and will help support their learning.
Register 8.45am
Hometime 3.15pm
Total hours in school per week - 32.5hours
Drop Off
Nursery Children are dropped at the nursery gate at either 8am or 8.45am. Children are received from parents at the gate and are escorted inside by a grown up.
Reception gate will open at 8.45am and children will be received by staff at the red doors. Parents will leave the site via the main playground.
The main school gates open at 8.40am on the main yard (for safety reasons) for Year 1 and Year 2. Year 1 will be received from the hall door and Year 2 through the small gate on the yard and will walk up into class.
Pick Up
At pick up children will be matched to parents/adults, named on their white admission form, from the same entrance as they were dropped off.
Turning circle
We have made the difficult decision to close our turning circle to the public. This is due to safety reasons while children are being dropped off and picked up.
Morrisons have given us permission to use their car park in a morning for drop off and at the end of the school day to help with congestion.
School opens at 8:35 am school doors are shut at 9 am.
Lateness is classed as any child coming into school between 9.05 am and
All children arriving after 8.55 am must report to the office.
After 9:30 it is classed as an unauthorised absence.